1. Genevieve (Gross) Gehling – Soil Conservation Clinic (1950)
a- (Daily Times Herald, Carroll, Iowa, Tuesday, September 12, 1950)
More than a little shy about all the publicity that has come her way the past few months is Mrs. Genevieve Gehling, widow and mother of 12 children.
Tomorrow one of her farms, a 100-acre tract of land operated by her son, Vernon, 24, is expected to attract thousands of visiting farmers and business men from throughout the state. It will be the site of the first annual Carroll County Soil Conservation clinic.
Sponsored by the Carroll Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Soil Conservation service, the clinic will consist of a complete conservation program for the farm located a mile south and a mile west of Carroll.
Mrs. Gehling and her children have carried on the work on the three farms since the death of her husband, H.J. Gehling, seven years ago. Mr. Gehling died as the result of a farm accident while helping a neighbor move farm machinery.
Mrs. Gehling and nine of her children live on the 200-acre farm about one and one-half miles west of Carroll. Her son, Vernon, operates the adjoining 160 acres of land where the clinic will be held and lives at home. A married son, George, 26, operates the 130-acre farm west of the home place.
There's plenty of work to be done on the 200-acre farm, but there's also plenty of help. Mrs. Gehling's son, Edward, 20, is her main help in farming the home place. In the kitchen and about the house her daughter, Rose, 18, takes over many of the chores.
Early every morning during the school year, there are six lunch boxes to pack in the Gehling kitchen, for six of the Gehling youngsters attend school in Carroll. Norma, 16, attends St. Angela academy. Enrolled at SS. Peter & Paul parochial grade school are James, 14, Robert, 12, Joan,11, Carl,9, and Gerald, 7.
In addition to the children already mentioned Mrs. Gehling has two married daughters, both of whom live on farms near Halbur. They are Mrs. Louis Anstoeter (Rita), 23, and Mrs. Walter Schmitz (Louise), 21. Mrs. Gehling has three grandchildren, Donald, Mary Lou and Patricia Gehling, children of Mr. and Mrs. George Gehling.
A typical day at Mrs. Gehling's farm usually begins about 5:30 or 6 a.m. First there's breakfast for 10; lunch boxes for six; the trip to school with Rose driving the car; care of the approximately 250 chickens on the farm; 10 cows to milk and milking equipment to be cared for; dinner; baking every day; washing and ironing twice a week; lunch for Vernon and Edward and their help when they are working in the fields and a late supper. This doesn't include all of the mending, gardening and canning and care of the 140 pigs and 30 head of cattle on the farm.
So Mrs. Gehling's farm is a busy place, with the children pitching in on the chores before and after school. Main crops on all three of the Gehling farms are corn, oats and hay.
Mrs. Gehling has lived on the same farm for the past 27 years. Two years ago, the nine-room Gehling house was entirely remodeled on the inside, including installation of a modern bath room. Most of the remodeling was done in the kitchen, where Mrs. Gehling and Rose spend the larger share of their time. One whole wall of the kitchen now has handy cupboards above and below the lengthy working counter.
On the day of the Soil Conservation clinic, Mrs. Gehling, her daughter-in-law and Rose probably will make good use of this counter space in preparing a noon picnic for from 40 to 60 men who will operate the equipment at the clinic.
b- (Daily Times Herald, Carroll, Iowa, Monday, September 11, 1950)
Genevieve Gehling Farm to Be Entirely Renovated; Speaking Programs Set
Big Demonstration to Draw Farmers, Businessmen from All Over State; Ag Leaders Scheduled to Speak
Thousands of farmers and businessmen are expected to be on hand at the Genevieve Gehling farm for the colorful first annual Carroll County Soil Conservation clinic Wednesday.
The clinic, sponsored by the Carroll Chamber of Commerce and, the U. S. Soil Conservation service, will feature a complete conservation program for the 160-acre farm located a mile south and a mile west of Carroll.
Statewide publicity has been given the clinic and farmers and interested conservation experts from all parts of the state are expected.
Plans were nearing completion today for handling the huge throng, J. A. Juergens, general chairman, reported. Adequate parking facilities have been arranged to handle the influx of automobiles.
Several flying farmers are expected to attend the clinic and transportation from the airport has been arranged.
A half-million dollars in all types of soil conservation equipment will be in use on the farm. Other equipment will be on display on the observation hill. A bus to transport onlookers from one project to another over the farm will be provided by one of the implement firms.
This in the first soil conservation demonstration event to be held in this area. Farmers will be able to witness the complete job of all phases of conservation: Terracing, waterways, farmstead improvement, pasture improvement, contour plowing, surface silo and fertilizing soil.
Two speaking programs, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1p.m. until 1:30 p.m., have been arranged. Other discussions at that spot of demonstrations also are planned.
The speaking program:
11 a.m.—Henry Burina, chairman of the state board of control, Allison, la,
11:20 a.m.—Frank Mendell, chairman of the Iowa Soil Conservation Service, Ames, la.
11:40 a.m.—R. L. Von Trebra, chief of operations, Regional Soil Conservation service, Milwaukee, Wis.
1 p.m.—Lloyd Burlingham, Skelly farm award program commentator over the National Broadcasting company.
1:15 p.m. — Clyde Spry, state secretary of agriculture, Des Moines, la.
V. Stuart Perry will be master of ceremonies.
Concession stands will be operated by the Carroll county 4-H clubs and the Carroll Girl Scouts. Noon lunches will be available.
One of the highlights of the program will be the filling of a surface silo, under the direction of Clarence Hill, Minburn, Ia, stockman.
With a threat of the present corn crop not maturing, the surface silo demonstration is expected to be one of the most popular projects on the farm.
Chairman Juergens said that corn that is not matured may be used to a greater advantage in a surface silo than in any other way.
The economical advantages of construction and the fact that the land used for the silo may be farmed over later make it highly desirable, Mr. Juergens said.
A demonstration of the application of anhydrous ammonia will be held during the day. The application of the new fertilizer will be done with special equipment under pressure. The fertilizer is absorbed by the soil and does not leach away during the winter season.
Methods of combating erosion by incorporating organic matter in the soil will be shown during the day.
Five miles of terraces also will be constructed with all kinds of equipment, some of which Is used by farmers in this area.
One mile of waterways will be built, including shaping and seeding. Ways of building the grassed areas in gullies will be shown so that the land may be used for the most good will be demonstrated.
Contour plowing also will be featured during the day, as will farmstead improvements, pasture renovation and minor phases of conservation.
2. Magdelene (Rust) Heue – Recalls Pioneer Times (1956)
(Carroll Times Herald, December 10, 1956)
Mrs. Joseph Heue, 86, Recalls Pioneer Times in Carroll
Cooking today is mostly a memory for Mrs. Joseph Heue of 215 North Walnut Street but there was a time, when she was noted as one of the best cooks in town. At the age of 86. Mrs. Heue still is alert and well but a series of misfortunes resulting in a twice broken leg and a broken shoulder have left her physically handicapped so that she is now unable to move about as easily as she once did. Her eyes also "bother her a little"making it difficult to see.
Shares Home
She still lives in the residence which has been her home since she was married 65 years ago this coming February 9, but now occupies only a few rooms and shares the rest of the house with a family who provide her with meals. Thus the little electric stove which was installed in her apartment has fallen into disuse and she is out of practice when it comes to cooking but remembers many of the recipes which were favorites with her husband and children in earlier days.
Mrs. Heue was born in Germany and came to America with her family at the age of 9 first making her home on a farm near Arcadia. She is a sister of Tony Rust who recently was honored for 50 years' service as a maintenance employee of St. Anthony Hospital and whom Mrs. Heue refers to as her "little brother". Until he himself became a semi invalid and was confined to his wheel chair, Tony visited his sister every day.
"And every time he came", Mrs. Heue recollects, "they would call him from the hospital to come back and take care of some emergency". She remembers a day when the new boilers almost exploded at St. Anthony Hospital because no one knew how to operate them properly. Tony was working at that time as a fireman for the Carroll Light Heat and Power Company and SS. Peter and Paul School. The Rev. Joseph Kuemper, founder of the hospital, called him to come in a hurry and look at the boilers. He found and corrected the trouble and has been at St. Anthony Hospital ever since, performing many different services besides firing boilers and keeping the heating plant in operation, before it was converted to city heat and eventually to gas.
Mrs. Heue was 14 when she came to Carroll to live. Her family meanwhile had moved from Arcadia to Nebraska but returned to Carroll County after a short time and established their home in a residence near St. Joseph Church which still belongs to Tony Rust.
Husband From France
Mr. Heue came originally from France, emigrating to this country at the age of 19. He was a bricklaying contractor who built many public and private buildings in the Carroll area including the old northside public school. Mrs. Heue recalls that the last job he did was a chimney on the Knights of Columbus building. He was then close of 80 years old and she was "scared to death", but he agreed to take on the job if they could find him two men to help and this they promised to do. The job was completed successfully and without mishap.
Mr. and Mrs. Heue moved into the residence at 215 North Walnut Street as a bride and groom. The Carroll Fire Company of which Mr. Heue was a member came to visit them as soon as they moved in and brought a couch as a wedding present.
In those days there were no sidewalks and the streets were unpaved. Mrs. Heue cooked her first meals on a coal-burning range and burned oil lamps for illumination in the home. She remembers when electricity was put in and water and sewer mains installed. The house gradually was modernized as these conveniences became available. She recalls also when the streets were paved and cement sidewalks put in.
Kept A Cow
The Heue family kept a cow which grazed on vacant lots "all the way to the next corner". They also kept chickens and a good garden so that food was never lacking even when times were a bit tough. Before automobiles came into common use, the Heues had a buggy and a horse named "Maud" which were used by Mr. Heue on country jobs and by the family for pleasure riding. Mrs. Heue had been raised on a farm and knew how to hitch the horse when occasion demanded.
Christmas was always a big time in the family. When the children were small, a tree and crib would be installed on Mr. Heue's desk. In later years, two illuminated trees in flower pots were set up on the front porch, On Christmas mornings Mrs. Heue would pretend to be making beds but instead would sneak into the living room by a side entrance and place gifts under the tree. She then would call to the children: "Look, Santa has been here", and the fun would begin.
Goose cooked with fruit in the French manner was a favorite dish for Christmas dinner which also included mince pie, German chicken, and all the usual holiday trimmings.
Recalls Factories
Mrs. Heue recalls that there once was a shoe factory in Carroll and later a knitting factory. She was employed for awhile by the New England family who ran the shoe factory working for them until the time of her marriage. Later she signed to do piecework for the knitting factory but her husband objected when he discovered what she was doing, declaring that he was fully able to support the family without help from his wife.
Mrs. Heue was well acquainted with the late Alice Manning, working with her when both were employees at the Burke Hotel and living as a neighbor for 14 years. Miss Manning was kind-hearted in many ways, according to Mrs. Heue, and would sometimes come to the rescue of a family in need; The Delaney family, relatives of Miss Manning, also have been lifetime neighbors as were the late P. T. Youngs. Mrs. Heue regarded Mrs. Young as her "best friend". They were neighbors for 55 years.
The family originally were members of SS. Peter and Paul Church but transferred some years ago to St. Joseph Church for convenience. Because Mrs. Heue is now unable to attend services, the Rev. Robert Thiele, assistant at St. Joseph Church, hears her confessions at home.
Six Living Children
Mrs. Heue has six living children Henry, a veteran of World War I, who lives with his wife and one of his 3 daughters in Albuquerque, N. Mex.; Joe, who lives in Carroll; John in Davenport; Marie, Mrs. Lawrence Augustine, who lives with her family in Hastings, Minn.; Adelaide, Mrs. Leonard Spaen of Carroll; and Sr. M. Jolene of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, LaCrosse, Wis., now teaching at Bellevue, Iowa.
Mrs. Heue expects her son John from Davenport to spend Christmas with her and when he comes she hopes he will cook goose with fruit according to the French recipe which came from Mr. Heue's family. Below is the goose recipe, as Mrs. Heue remembers it, along with other family favorites.
Goose with Fruit
Boil the goose until tender, skim off the grease and save it for cooking fat. Put prunes in the pot with the goose and cook until tender. Then stir in a mixture of flour and water to make gravy. This recipe is also good for chicken which can be cooked with prunes in the same way.
Spare Ribs
Soak homemade bread in water until soft. Brown an onion lightly in hot fat and add to the bread. Then add salt and "the least little bit of sage.” Spread the dressing over the lower part of the ribs and place the remaining ribs on top. Bake in a moderate oven until the ribs are "nice and brown."
Chuck Roast
Flatten the roast and pound small holes in the surface of the meat about one inch apart, using a blunt instrument to make the indentations. In each of these holes, insert a small slice of bacon. Salt, and roast in a moderate oven until brown and tender.
Veal Loaf
1 lb. veal, ground 1 lb. beef, ground 1 lb. pork, ground, loaf bread, broken into bits. Salt and pepper. Mix the ingredients together and shape into a loaf adding moisture enough to hold together. Bake in a moderate oven until done. Use no onion. This recipe is good for picnics. The loaf may be sliced and served either hot or cold.
Veal Jelly Loaf
Buy a veal shank and have the butcher cut it in pieces about 3 inches in width. Cook in plain salted water until tender. Remove the bones. Pour the meat and broth into a loaf pan. When cool the broth will congeal. Slice and serve.
Potato Pancakes
Grate the potatoes which have been cooked in salted water. Add 1 tablespoon of flour and 2 eggs. Mix together, shape cakes and fry in hot fat.
Cookies without eggs
Cup sugar, cup of milk, sour, cup lard, tsp. soda. Cream the sugar and lard. Add the milk and soda and enough flour to roll. Mix together and roll out on a bread board. Cut with a cookie cutter and place in a greased shallow pan. Bake, in a moderate oven until light brown.
3. Lawrence Albert Gehling – Hurt in Gas Explosion (1958)
(Gilmore City Centennial Book,1883-1983)
Two Gilmore City residents are reported in fair condition at Mercy Hospital in Fort Dodge after being badly injured in a house explosion here Sunday about 3:30 p.m.
They are Lawrence Gehling, 42, Gilmore City town marshal, and Welby Boles, 68, who is employed as a maintenance man by Pocahontas County. Both suffered burns on the arms, hands, face and neck.
The two men were in the basement of the Siefken house in the northeast part of Gilmore City when the explosion took place. Mr. Boles' son, Gene Boles, who recently returned from the service, his wife and two small children were moving into the home, owned by the Siefken estate.
The older Mr. Boles had gone there to assist in moving and town marshal Gehling had gone over to read the meter. The latter lit a match to see it and a terrific explosion followed.
The people who had previously lived in the house had reportedly left a gas line unplugged in the basement when they moved out a gas stove. It was discovered Sunday by Gene Boles who plugged the outlet and opened the cellar door and windows. This was about three hours before the other two men went to the basement and lit the match.
Welby Boles and Marshall Gehling were thrown to the basement floor by the impact and when they were able to get up, found that they had to move part of a wall which had crashed against the cellar door and blocked their exit.
Gene Boles and his older child, about 2, were in the yard at the time. Mrs. Gene Boles and small baby, who had been in the kitchen, had just moved to another room when the explosion occurred. This was very fortunate because the ceiling of the kitchen crashed and the entire room was wrecked.
Windows of the house were broken and plaster cracked by the explosion and part of the roof was wrecked. The five-room, one floor residence is about 30-40 years old and was badly damaged.
All kitchen equipment was lost in the mishap, but some furniture in other rooms was saved.
4. Theodore “Ted” Reiling – Cookie, the Trained Cow (1959)
a- (Daily Times Herald, Carroll, Iowa, Wednesday, May 27, 1959)
Farm Program Highlights
From the Carroll County A.S.C. Office
Directly west of Carroll on old Highway 30 is one of the most unusual animals in the country. This animal is highly trained and it is remarkable the number of things that she can do and do very well. After witnessing the performance of this animal, my only statement would be that "seeing is believing." The animal is a four-year-old Jersey cow named Cookie owned by Ted Reiling of Route 3, Carroll.
Upon arrival at the Reiling residence, I was greeted by Ted and Cookie. Ted spoke a cheery good morning and Cookie bowed very low. Mr. Reiling then proceeded to tell me all about Cookie and the training he had given her.
Cookie will walk, trot, canter, and pace just the same as the finest of horses. Cookie will make a full stretch which is quite a sight to see. After the stretch, she will do a back-up which is most unusual. This compares to the average ability of a person to pull a Missouri mule forward. The next routine that Cookie went through was to hop onto a 28-inch diameter stool. On this stool she moved around very gracefully making a complete turn to the left and a complete turn to the right. Of course, every day of our lives we are shaking hands with other people. Cookie will shake hands very nicely, and I believe that she is sincere when she Is shaking hands.
I am told that small children of grade school age are very clever at playing sick. However, I believe Cookie is the master of all when it comes to playing sick. Cookie will lay on her side stretched to full length and flat against the ground, then moan and groan as if she were in terrific pain. All the petting and affection given her doesn't seem to help. Even a needle with a "Cure-All" in it doesn't help. By this time Cookie is In real pain. All of a sudden it is discovered that a bottle of beer is nearby. As a last resort to relieve the pain, the bottle of beer is given to Cookie. She responds immediately by jumping up and galloping away. Once again, all is well with Cookie. Since this showgirl is very polite, she bowed once more and then went out to the pasture. I am certain most of us have seen dogs and horses perform, but never before had I witnessed a routine as clever as this. Cookie is a very good actress and presents a fascinating
Cookie has performed at the Kies and Thompson Dairy Dispersal Sale at Story City, the Vail Pony Show for the past two years, the Farm Bureau Picnic in Carroll, the Audubon County Fair for the past two years. Also Cookie has appeared at the annual Fourth of July celebration in Breda, and on Channel 3-KMTV in Omaha. Lest we forget, Cookie performed at the last "general election" held in Maple River. I understand that Cookie had no bearing on the outcome of the election.
Cookie is going to appear at the Princeton Dairy Festival in Princeton, Missouri, on June 6. At the Princeton Festival, Cookie will appear with Borden's Elsie and the Missouri Maid of Milk. Cookie is raring to go this summer on her annual tour of events, and I am positive that you will enjoy seeing her.
b- (Daily Times Herald, Carroll, Iowa, Friday, May 22, 1964).
Reiling, Performing Cow All Set for Circuit With New Act
By Staff Writer
Anytime is showtime on the Ted Reiling farm here when Cookie the performing cow is around.
Cookie is a 9-year old Jersey-Guernsey cross and a "bovine wonder."
She hops onto a 28-inch diameter stool and executes complete turns to right and left.
One of her favorite tricks is to lie on her side and pretend to be sick. Realistic moans convince many onlookers the cow is in mortal pain, but the illness quickly abates when a cold bottle of beer appears and is guzzled down.
Cookie's showtime repertoire includes a parade full stretch, hand shakes and bows and four gaits. With a rider on her back and bridle and reins replacing a halter, she walks, trots, canters and paces like a pony.
"I've used her as a cow pony, and that is the way we got started on the tricks," Mr. Reiling, a 66-year old retired farmer, said. "She was reluctant to wean as a calf and I kept her separated from a herd of young heifers and started using her as a pony to round up the rest of the herd in the pasture."
About 10 years ago Reiling trained a Jersey bull to ride and performed with the bull in the Carroll centennial celebration, but the male animal became unruly around crowds and the act was dropped.
Cookie was the first calf sired by the bull that appeared in centennial shows, but her training did not start until she was two years old.
Since that time Mr. Reiling and his performing cow have been featured attractions at dairy festivals and local celebrations and at fairs throughout
western Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska.
Last summer Reiling resurrected a buckboard from the wild west era. He outfitted Cookie with a set of harness and hitched her up to a pick-up type buggy.
With Mrs. Reiling at his side and a Civil War musket under his arm. the entry won
a blue ribbon at the Coon Rapids centennial parade.
A ride in the buckboard, pulled by a cow, has become a favorite pastime of Mr. Reiling's grandchildren when they come to visit on the 74-acre farm located four miles west of here.
Mr. Reiling has retired from active farming but still lives on the home place while holding down a partime job in a local garage.
But now that summer is nearly here, the itch to travel and perform is about to lure Ted Reiling and Cookie back onto the show circuit.
"We've got a better act during the summer because one of my little granddaughters skips rope on Cookie's back while the cow is performing on the 28-inch stool," Mr. Reiling said.
The performing cow has been doing tricks for the public for six years, but two of those years curtailed by offspring. Mr. Reiling thinks there is still another six years of showtime fun left for Cookie before she is turned out to pasture and for the first time in her life gets a chance to fill up on the green grass that grows so abundantly here.
Being a star had dietary restrictions, and Cookie is carefully kept away from the moisture- laden blades of grass. She eats a carefully balanced ration of grain and hay, and, like all dancing stars, must always be conscious of her figure.
5. Lois (Gehling) Mulroney – The Powder Puff Cyclist (1968)
(Cycle Illustrated, June, 1968, Vol. 1, No. 1)
My Wife's Story
Dear Sirs:
My wife and I each have our own cycles and enjoy them tremendously. About ten years ago I began a sporadic cycling career, which I never took seriously until this year when my wife purchased her first cycle. She soon decided that occasional rides through the woods were not enough and began entering competition.
The first time she beat me and all the men in her class at a hillclimb. Embarrassed, I now take all my cycling seriously.
We both compete now and enjoy it tremendously. I would like to enter for publication my wife's story.
Gary E. Mulroney
The cycle quivered as it passed the 60-foot plate on the hill, then fell onto its side throwing the rider into the dirt at 63 feet. The catchers moved in quickly and subdued both the cycle and the rider.
Out of the mass emerged the rider, 5' 4", 120-pound Lois Mulroney. The 29-year-old mother of seven children half-ran and half-slipped down the hill as cheers from other women and gasps of disbelief from the men died out.
She was proud. She'd just beaten all of the Powder Puff riders and all of the men in the 125cc-and-under climbing competition on a rough hill at Panora, Iowa.
She cheerfully headed for the judges' stand where she collected the 24-inch tall Powder Puff first-place trophy. She jokingly complained to the judges that they should award the first place men's 125cc. trophy to her also.
Maybe she should have entered the men's sportsman class rather than the women's. Oh well! It was still a good end to her first hillclimb competition, she decided.
The 50-mile ride home was nearly unbearable according to Lois' husband Gary, a 33-year-old Fort Dodge, Ia., police officer.
"All she could do was rub it in," Gary relates. She teasingly kept telling of how she had beaten everyone including him.
Initiation into the cycling fraternity for Lois came in early May of 1967 when the Mulroneys bought a 125cc. Kawasaki to add to their cycling enjoyment.
"Gary already had a 175cc and I enjoyed riding with him," Lois says when she tells of her cycling career. "But I decided I'd like to try riding alone after Gary and I were in a minor accident," she says. "I decided then and there that if I was going to get hurt riding motorcycles, I wanted to be on my own cycle."
Lois began practicing on level fields before graduating to the road and then to the open woods. As her skill deepened, so did her confidence and desire to follow the men as they climbed wooded slopes and hills.
When the excitement of an afternoon trip though the expanses of surrounding Iowa parks died out, Lois began following the men through the woods as did several of her friends who had purchased bikes in attempts to keep up with their husbands.
Mulroney and several of his friends then decided to sponsor a hare scrambles as a benefit for the Jerry Rabiner Boys Ranch near Fort Dodge, a home for boys sponsored by the Iowa State Policemen's Association. Lois was the first to ask about Powder Puff competition.
"They told me if I could find enough women to ride with me they would hold a race for us,' Lois said.
She had soon recruited the required number for AMA competition and the Powder Puff began.
Lois scampered around the half-mile course to first place for her first cycling victory as the rest of the Mulroney family cheered from the spectator area.
After a summer of riding and the Panora hill-climb came a two-day event at Graettinger. Lois's cycle flipped on her first two runs on the stair-step hill before she found the groove and captured first place in the women's competition.
In her first out-of-state competition at Mankato, Minn., Lois was the only woman on the list of 110 competitors. She elected to compete in the men's 125cc class and finished sixth among the 25 climbers.
She then climbed at Hartford on a muddy and steep hill and added another first place trophy to her collection.
The 180-foot hill had been soaked with rain for three days before the meet and was giving many of Iowa's best small-bike riders a real tussle. Lois nearly lost control as she came off the log and then spent her entire run fishtailing back and forth across the face of the hill, pointing her bike upwards at every opportune moment.
Finally, when she could go no further, she pulled the kill switch; thus ending her ride and her first year of competition with a win.
Her only comment was that she was worried more about the catchers than the slippery hill.
With cycling interest steadily increasing, Lois is already anticipating more competition in the 1968 season. She also says she hopes to interest more women in the fun and excitement of solo cycling - and, best of all, the thrill of beating their husbands at their own game.
6. Gehling Runners in Colorado Springs (1981)
(Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph, June 10, 1981)
Gehlings make Ten Mile Run a family affair.
by Steve Fleming
GT Sports Writer
Try to figure this out.
Charles likes to run, but he's not real fast. Dick is faster, but not like Rosie. Rosie's faster than Dan, but she's older so the competition is stiffer. Dan is good, but Robert has been running longer. Tim is the youngest, but he wins the most races.
Confused? So is half the county. All these people comprise the Gehling family of Colorado Springs. Who are they, and why are there so many of them?
The answer is simple, but confusing. So, here they are, one Gehling at a time.
Charles and Dick are brothers who moved from Iowa to Colorado Springs several years ago. Like most settlers of this western town, they adopted the local lifestyle and raised fine families. That's simple enough so far.
Dick met and married Mary Ann (she's new). They have two kids - Robert and Staci Ann (she's new, too).
Charles married Rosie. They also have two kids - Tim and Dan. No surprises so far, and still pretty simple.
Here's where it gets tough. They all run. Except Mary Ann. And all of them, except Mary Ann and Staci Ann, are entered to run Saturday in the Gazette Telegraph Garden of the Gods Run. Tough luck for the results people.
It's hard enough to keep this mob straight before a race. But a bad habit of their's of scattering upon hearing the starter's gun commonly sends the folks at the finish line into a frenzy.
"Yeah," admitted Dick, "we pretty much go our own ways, and everyone usually mixes us up.
Dick didn’t cry much about the problems, however, because he's the one to blame for the whole mess. He was the first Gehling to start running.
Robert and I began running to get ready for the Garden of the Gods race two years ago," he said. "He and I ran it that year and kept running. By last year, Charles and his family were running, too."
Indeed they were.
Tim, despite a sidestitch that nearly ruined his race, won the Garden of the Gods 9-under division with a 1:41:10. Dan and Robert finished near the middle of their 10-15 age group when Dan clocked a 1:26:26 and Robert a 1:37:30.
Rosie was fifth in the women's 35-39 category when she turned in a 1:22:17. Charles chose to watch, but brother Dick ran and finished in 1:41:37.
The whole clan is looking to improve considerably on their times this year, especially Dick. Even Charles is going to run.
"We all get in about 50 to 60 miles a week," said Dick. "The boys probably get in more like 40-50, because they have other stuff they're always doing, too." "We're not real serious about this, because we do it to have fun."
7. Gehling Families Who Lived in Gilmore City, Iowa (1983)
(Gilmore City, Iowa, Centennial Book, 1883-1983)
Lawrence Gehling Family Move to Gilmore City in 1944
Lawrence Gehling and family moved from Willey, Iowa in the Spring of 1944 to a farm one mile north of Gilmore City, Iowa (presently Hallet's Limestone Quarry). He was the first of the Gehling's to arrive in Gilmore City. A few years later his parents, Henry and Regina Gehling moved to Gilmore City from Clare, Iowa where they also farmed Hallet's Limestone Quarry. They in turn were followed by some of their children: Albert, Erwin, Paul and Frances (Gehling) Wendl. Only Lawrence and his parents remained in Gilmore City. Henry died in 1958 and Regina in 1975. Both are buried in St. John's Cemetery west of town.
Lawrence spent 35 of the next 38 years in Gilmore City. Twenty-five of those years were as City Marshall. Other occupations he held were farmer, truck driver, mechanic and drill press operator. He retired in the Spring of 1981 and lived at 205 NW "A" Ave. Prior to moving there, he lived 27 years at 212 SW "E" Ave.
Lawrence was born May 9, 1916 in Carroll, Iowa and married Genevieve Reinart, who was born February 10, 1920 in Halbur, Iowa. They were married October 28, 1937. They have seven children: Lois Mulroney, Richard, Donald, Connie Bachoroski, Bonnie Clarke (Clark), Tom and Charlie. Lois presently lives in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Donald died his first year, and Bonnie lives in Rolfe, Iowa. All the rest live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Lawrence died August 19, 1982 and is buried in St. John's Cemetery. Genevieve moved to Colorado Springs shortly thereafter.
Henry and Regina Gehling came to Gilmore City in 1945, coming from Clare, Iowa. They purchased an 80 acre farm one-half mile north of town. Virginia, their youngest attended high school here and graduated in 1948. They were the parents of seven children: Frances Lawrence, Ervin (Erwin), Clarence, Paul, Albert, and Virginia. All but Clarence lived in the Gilmore City area during the 40's and 50's.
Francis married Leo Wendl. They lived on a farm east of Gilmore City (the present Trouse Davis farm) with their five children, Mary Lou, Joan, Mark, Mike, and Janice. Frances passed away in 1976 and is buried in LeMars, Iowa. Their son Mark Wendl lived in Gilmore City with his wife Ann and family in the early '50's.
Lawrence and Genevieve's story precedes.
Erwin and Gertrude bought the land north of town and lived there with their three children, Diane, Dennis, and Delbert, until they sold the farm to Missouri Valley Limestone and moved to a farm south of Emmetsburg, Iowa.
Clarence and his wife Florence live in Grand Meadow, Minn. They have four children.
Paul and Rita lived on the Mullin farm one-half mile north of town and also on the Fitzgerald farm six miles south of town until they moved to their farm in Blooming Prairie, Minn. in the late 1950's. Their children are Mary Jo, Kathy, John, Susan, Teresa, Michael and Patrick.
Albert and Lois came to Gilmore City around 1950 from Bayard. They farmed the farm north of town and Al drove the school bus. They farmed the Wiegert farm and the May Roberts farm before moving to Rockwell City. Shiela and Dan were born while in Gilmore City and twin daughters, Carleen and Colleen were born while in Rockwell City. Colleen died at the age of 6 months. The family then moved to Albuquerque, NM and to Denver, Colo. before buying a farm in Grand Meadow, Minn. They presently live in Stewartville, Minn. but is still farming with his son, Dan. Lois has been employed in Rochester.
Virginia married Melvin Broih (Broich) and lived in Carroll for two years before moving to Lake View, Ia. where they are in partnership with a Ford Dealership. Their children are, Steve, Tom, Jim and Bill. They have three grandchildren.
Henry died in 1958 and Regina died in 1975 and are buried in St. John's Cemetery.
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